5 Steps to MOTIVATE Gen Z Staff

Engaging Gen Z in the workplace requires a fresh approach that aligns with their values, work preferences, and communication styles. For far too long we are blaming Gen Z for being lazy, not having work ethic or needing more recognition. As organisations as Gen Z starts to take up the larger part of our workforce, we have to take responsibility.

Here are five effective strategies to keep Gen Z staff motivated, productive, and committed to your organisation.

1. Provide Purpose and Meaningful Work

We [Gen Z] are driven by purpose, and they want to know that their work contributes to something greater. Offering them opportunities to engage in meaningful tasks that align with their values—such as social impact, environmental sustainability, or community engagement—will help foster a strong sense of purpose. This does not mean you make the assumption that they are passionate or feel a sense of purpose about a particular area of the organisation- it means you have the conversation.

Tip: Highlight how your company contributes to broader societal goals and invite them to be a part of it. BUT please, no CSR washing (if that is a thing) - Studies show that young workers are 77% more likely to stay longer with employers who have a social purpose​​.

2. Create Opportunities for Growth and Learning

Gen Z seeks continuous learning and professional development. Provide them with clear pathways for career progression, access to training, and opportunities to acquire new skills. Mentorship programs, workshops, and cross-functional projects will keep them engaged and help them develop both personally and professionally. We know that autonomy is huge when it comes to young peoples engagement in the work place, provide some options and pathways and let us choose our own adventure.

3. Foster a Collaborative and Inclusive Culture

Gen Z values a work environment where everyone’s voice is heard. Encourage collaboration by creating open spaces for feedback, teamwork, and co-creation. Recognise that they want to be part of decision-making processes and that inclusivity is non-negotiable for our generation. This needs to be a meaningful piece of collaboration, organisations must start also recognising that Gen Z as consumers are taking up a larger portion of the market.

4. Embrace Technology and Flexible Work Options

We have grown up with technology, so embracing digital tools and platforms is essential. We also value flexibility, whether it’s remote working options or flexible hours. Provide tools that enable efficient digital communication and make work-life balance a priority.

Tip: As someone who has worked remotely for 4+ years and remained productive, its not the employee who’s fault it is if the team is not productive outside of the office - so offer flexible working arrangements, as Gen Z employees are more likely to value organisations that prioritise mental health and wellbeing through such initiatives​.

5. Recognise and Reward Efforts Frequently

Gen Z employees appreciate regular recognition and feedback. Rather than annual performance reviews, we seek ongoing acknowledgment of their contributions. This frequent feedback loop helps keep them motivated and allows them to course-correct when necessary.

Tip: Praise effort, not just outcomes. According to a Gallup study, Gen Z employees are more likely to thrive when we receive recognition for their efforts on a regular basis​​.

By implementing these five strategies, you can better engage Gen Z employees, creating a positive, productive, and innovative workplace that aligns with their values and work preferences.